Friday, February 3, 2017

West Africa

Within the region of West Africa, the environment ranges from  lush tropical rainforests to arid desert.

There is a range of physical environments found in West Africa. Some regions  are very dry, making farming difficult if not impossible.

Many people in West Africa are farmers, and as such they depend on the rainfall for their livelihood. Some regions can fluctuate from year to year in terms of rainfall, which can result in droughts or poor harvests from time to time.

Other regions have better conditions for agriculture ,
and others are left unfarmed as forests.

Watch this five minute video on West and Central Africa. 

Learn TWO regions today. 
Play this game but make sure that you choose 
WEST AND NORTHWEST AFRICA from the drop down menu.

So, far you have visited the link that allowed you to LEARN the location of African countries. Now, check out the actual game that tests your knowledge of how well you know them so far!

Comment on the blog: How would you feel about visiting the are of West and Central Africa? Where would you most want to go? Why?


  1. I wouldn't want to go there at all. If I did go there I would probably go to Nigeria.

  2. I think visiting West and Central Africa would be fun. The place I would most want to go is Gabon's Loango Park because it would be fun to see all the wild animals.

  3. I would love to visit West and Central Africa. The place where I would want to go is Odzala National Park in the Republic of Congo to see the wild animals.

  4. I would visit congo and go to the odzala national forest, it looks very beautiful and it would be fun to see some gorillas and elephants.

  5. I would want to go visit Laongo National park in Gabon, it looks nice with all the beaches and animals. I think that the expedition would be fun and educational with the guides and game wardens.

  6. I think visiting West and Central Africa would be okay. People might judge me... but I think visiting the Sahara would be quite an adventure because you would get to experience the massive sand dunes, maybe have a guide, and also you would have to pack a LOT of water!

  7. I would like to visit north Africa (specifically Egypt) more than west or central Africa. I would want to go to the Odzala national park in the Republic of Congo. I would really like to see all the wildlife there.

  8. I would like going to Odzala in the Republic of Congo. It would be neat to tour it and see all the wildlife in the park.

  9. I wouldn't want to go to Africa. But if I did have to go their i would probably want to go to Egypt because all of the biblical stuff that goes on their.

  10. I would love to visit West and Central Africa and experience the culture there. I think going to Loango Park in Gabon would be fun, to see elephants on and hippos at the beach.
