Monday, February 13, 2017

South Africa

Learn  the countries in the South Africa regions.

PLAY the game to see how many African countries you know by heart!! 

South Africa, Africa's southernmost nation, is also Africa's largest and most developed economy.

Less than thirty years ago, Apartheid was a system in place in South Africa that separated people based on their race and skin color. There were laws that forced white people and black people to live and work apart from each other. Even though there were less white people than black people, apartheid laws allowed white people to rule the country and enforce the laws. 

Watch this short video about apartheid. 

Cape Point marks the south western tip of the African continent, with some of the most breathtaking ocean and coastal scenery in the world. Cape Point marks the south western tip of the African continent, with some of the most breathtaking ocean and coastal scenery in the world. 

This is where two oceans meet – the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean on the west and the warmer Indian Ocean waters on the east.

Watch: Two oceans DONT mix! (1.23)

Comment: Do your own research and share one fact about the region of South Africa.


  1. South Africa has 7 different biomes including mountains, wetlands, grasslands, bush, subtropical forests, deserts,and escarpments.

  2. South Africa has 11 different official languages!

  3. South Africa is the only country in the entire world that has voluntarily abandoned it's nuclear weapons program. (as of December 2013)

    1. This is also one fact I learned. I would think that would make it harder in the war to fight without Any nuclear weapons

  4. South Africa separated white people from blacks. The people who were white could run the country.

  5. South Africa is a multiethnic society encompassing a wide variety of cultures, languages and religions

  6. South Africa is the only country in the entire world that has voluntarily abandoned its nuclear weapons programme.

  7. The drinking water in South Africa is 3rd best in the world.

  8. Fun fact South Africa has two Nobel Peace prize winners that both lived on the same street. South Africa is extremely rich in minerals and is considered the worlds leader in all platinum metals in nearly 90%. They also produce 41% of all the Global gold.

  9. South Africa has 3 capital cities: Pretoria, Cape Town, and Bloemfontein.

  10. South Africa has the oceans that meat together. I wonder what the depth is their?
