Wednesday, April 19, 2017


  • Peru contains the second largest segment of the Amazon rainforest after Brazil.

  • The Peruvian Amazon covers 60% of the country.

  • The large biologically diverse area of Amazon in Peru is home to the most bird species in the world, the third largest number of mammals and a very high number of species of butterflies and orchids.

  • Peru shares borders with Ecuador, Colombia, BrazilChile and Bolivia.

  • Modern day Peru has been home to many ancient civilizations, the largest and wealthiest of these was the Incas who's empire ruled for over 100 years until the Spanish arrived in the 16th century.

  • The capital city of Peru is Lima which is home to more than a quarter of Peru's population.

  • The Inca Empire was centered around highlands of the Andes mountain range and the civilization's capital city Cusco and mountain top citadel Machu Picchu are popular with visiting tourist to this day.

  • Spanish is the main language in Peru although many also speak the Inca language Quechua. The third official language is Aymara.

  • The currency of Peru is the Nuevo Sol.

  • While Peru remains a poor country it is one of the richest in terms of natural resources. It is one of the world's top producers of goldsilver, copper, lead, ironing zinc and also has reserves of oil and natural gas.

  • Cut (Guinea pig) is a traditional meat used in Peruvian meals, it is estimated that 65 million guinea pigs are consumed in the country each year.

Comment: Watch this four minute video and share what you thought was cool. 


  1. I thought it was cool that Machu Picchu was supposedly built as a summer retreat for Inca loyalty.

  2. I thought the Nazca lines were super cool! I wonder how they figured out how to make the shapes.

  3. It was cool to see how they were able to fit the stones together in the Machu Picchu city.

  4. I thought it was cool that Machu Pichu spanned 5 sq. miles!

  5. I really liked the Nazca lines. It's amazing how they made pictures, but the question is how did they do it?

  6. I thought it fascinating that Peru is roughly twice the size of Texas.

  7. I thought the symmetry of the Nazca lines was super neat, especially the spider.

  8. I thought that it was really cool that Peru is estimated to be 2× the size of Texas. I always thought it would be small

  9. I thought that it was amazing that the Incans built Machu Pichu without using mortar or anything to connect them!
